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Most Requested Live with Romeo

Most Requested Live Worldwide with Romeo is the most interactive show on the radio, broadcasting live across the USA & Canada every Saturday night!Full Bio


#MostRequestedLive Interview: Jason Derulo

We're so excited to welcome Jason Derulo back to #MostRequestedLive this weekend to talk about his success on TikTok with "Savage Love," venturing out as an independent artist and how he's been enjoying his time at home during the pandemic. Check out some of the highlights of his Zoom conversation with Maxwell and then be sure to watch the whole thing on our IGTV!

On how he's been holding up in quarantine:

"Honestly, just enjoying the time at home in my own space. I've been building this place for a couple of years now so for all this to happen, is pretty crazy because this is like the first time that I'm getting to enjoy my home."

On his advice for people having a hard time during the pandemic:

"Man I tell people all the time -- I was talking to different colleges and different students, trying to uplift them during these crazy times -- and I was always saying, come out of this situation different. Don't come out of quarantine the same person as when you came in. I think it's really important to find what that ultimate goal is, and create small goals that are attainable every day so that you can ultimately reach that big goal. But in times like this we need little goals so that we feel like we have those little wins."

On the success of "Savage Love" with Jawsh 685:

"I'm really happy for him. Honestly, for me, it's always been so rewarding when I'm able to reach out and help somebody that I feel like has real talent and a real future. I'm always reaching out to who I think has a real shot, who just needs the chance. I think this is an amazing springboard for him to have the #1 song in the world now.

On working on new music:

"Yeah man. Writing these songs, it's always just been something that's been in me since I was eight years old. Honestly, it's not even work. When I'm in the studio, it just feels like fun. I'm never worried about, 'Is this gonna be the next big hit?' Honestly, I'm good in my life, and I've reached a place in my life, that if it's not fun, then it's not for me."

Watch Jason Derulo's full Zoom interview with Maxwell below.

Watch the video for Jason Derulo's collaboration with Jawsh 685, "Savage Love," below.